You have just bought a new home, and you’re excited to start a new chapter in your life. However, many things need to be done before all of the furniture can be moved into the new house. So do these four things first!

After you’ve bought a new home and before you move in, there is still work to do so it’s ready for your family. This article will give you four tips on how to prepare after you’ve bought a new home!

#1 Connect Utilities 

The first thing you need to do is get the utilities from your old residence turned on in your new home. This includes water, electric, gas and cable/internet providers. In some states, it’s easier than others for a buyer to make this change of service provider while moving into their newly purchased property. If this isn’t possible where you live, then be sure that the house has been appropriately winterised, so no pipes burst during freezing temperatures!

Find out about each utility company’s process for establishing services at a different address by calling them directly or reading their FAQ page available online. It’s important to know what needs to occur before all appliances can be used again inside your new dwelling place.

#2 Ensure Your New Home is Clean 

Once the utilities are turned on, you might need to spend a day cleaning your new home. If possible, send in professionals immediately after closing to ensure that all houses are clean. Check for any significant problems or damages that an agent could overlook at first glance during open houses. Also, consider approaching a company that can offer drug testing rental properties to ensure your family moves into a perfectly disinfected home. 

You don’t want to move into a dirty property because it can take weeks before everything smells fresh again, so do this as soon as possible! If there is heavy damage, such as holes in walls, we advise you not to live with them until they can be repaired. Instead document them and let your real estate agent know immediately.

#3 Check Your HVAC Systems 

The last thing you want to do is move your family into a new home only for the HVAC systems not to work. In order to ensure that everything will be running smoothly, have an experienced professional inspect all of the heating and cooling equipment in your house. This includes checking filters and inspecting ductwork and insulation around it, so everyone stays warm during chilly winter months!

#4 Test all Detectors and Appliances 

Before moving your family in, be sure to test every smoke detector and appliance before using them. The last thing anyone needs is for their new home to burn down, so don’t skip this step! It’s also a good idea to have an experienced professional inspect the furnace if it hasn’t been serviced within the past year or two. This will ensure that everything works perfectly during colder months when temperatures drop below freezing. In addition, some HVAC technicians offer yearly maintenance plans, which can help keep heating equipment running smoothly throughout winter weather patterns!

In conclusion, if you have just bought a new home, it’s essential to prepare before moving your family in. Follow these four tips, and everything will go smoothly as you start this exciting chapter of your life!