Avoid post-party blues with top beauty tips to have you looking as fresh as a daisy, even if you don’t feel it.

Whether you’ve been at your best friend’s wedding for the weekend, or you’ve had a late night out with your co-workers; avoid post-party blues by waking up and looking fresh the next day.

Whatever you might have over-indulged in will have an effect on how your body feels and functions, and also on the appearance of your skin. However, don’t worry; there are always some little things you can do that can help you feel like a gorgeous human being again (and give yourself a pat on the back for that cardio workout you did on the dancefloor; your personal trainer would be proud).

Take a look at the following tips and tricks to help you freshen up after a serious night of celebration.


avoid post-party blues

Avoid Post-Party Blues: Hydrate And Nourish Your Body

Water should be your best friend anyway; it is the perfect way to flush away toxins and hydrate your body for healthy glowing skin. However, if you’re planning on having a few glasses of fizz; water needs to be promoted to your soulmate.

Drink as much as you can between the glasses of fun stuff, as it’ll give your body and liver the time to process the alcohol, then just keep going; you’ve got this.

Your blood sugars might be a little low the next day, so fresh fruit, juices, and smoothies are a great way to bring it back to normal, without any refined sugar; so head to your nearest Boost bar and start sipping.

avoid post-party blues

You can replenish your body’s lost vitamins with a filling meal; try a wholemeal sandwich with tuna, which will give you the energy from the carbohydrates in the bread, and the tuna will provide a protein hit for a boost that will get you through the day.

You could enhance your body’s nutrient levels, and try taking something like Caruso’s liver health supplements or milk thistle tablets on the lead up to your party, or after the event; these might help your insides do their work a little more efficiently, and you’ll feel better as a result.

You might feel the need to grab a flat white the second you’re out of bed (that’s fine, it might help), but peppermint or ginger teas will help your digestive system and settle an upset stomach, so they’re worth a try too.


avoid post-party blues

Avoid Post-Party Blues: Pamper And Be Kind To Your Skin

You need to be as kind to your face as possible; if you feel that you’re looking good on the outside, you’ll mentally feel brighter too (which is just what you need the morning after the night before). Taking your makeup off before you go to sleep is the first step to treating your skin with respect.

Take a look at what can happen to your skin when you sleep in your makeup here: http://www.mamamia.com.au/do-you-regularly-sleep-in-your-makeup-read-this-and-youll-never-do-it-again/. You want your face to be able to breathe throughout the night, so a gentle exfoliant should do the trick.

Moisturising should be next on your priority list; for a fresh, glowing face, you’ll need to slather it with you favourite creams and lotions. A little extra in the morning before you pop your makeup back on will help to reduce dryness and irritation that the evening’s festivities have caused.

Get ready as you normally would and do one final mirror check; tell yourself how great you look, and nobody will even know that you’ve only had a few hours of sleep.

avoid post-party blues